In her work Ana Teresa Barboza deals with man, animal and ever-changing nature. Since her childhood the Peruvian has evolved with her hand work. She knits, stitches, crochets, weaves, draws and paints. Threads, lines, seams of yarn, wool, graphite and paint define her work like blood vessels streaming through bodies. During the last years I started to replace oil paint by thread. The threads give my work a deeper sense and the impact of the embroidery enriches the content. A time consuming, traditionally feminine craft is preserved in her art. For it to emerge the artist approaches circumstances and deals with environment. This process is colorful and joyful. The work is a meticulous convergence with "the other" in a transmedial form. The first book on Ana Teresa Barbozas' universal work is now published by Ink Press.
Ana Teresa Barboza, geboren 1981 in Lima, Peru, wo sie heute nach wie vor lebt, gilt als eine der interessantesten bildenden Künstlerinnen ihrer Generation in Lateinamerika.
Ana Teresa Barboza, geboren 1981 in Lima, Peru, wo sie heute nach wie vor lebt, gilt als eine der interessantesten bildenden Künstlerinnen ihrer Generation in Lateinamerika.